

Ken Plante, Dover Rotary Bingo.
Ken wanted to thank us for helping and discuss the procedures to make it easier for members helping.
Arrival time is 5pm.  Will be there no longer than 8pm
Bring your name badge, if you can.
You will be given and apron and probably a Ticket Basket.  When selling tickets please try and pay attention to the organizers about what games are playing and what tickets you have.  When they "call a game" you should NOT have any tickets left.
Try to work with the other ticket sellers and make sure you cover the room, like select different areas.
If a player gives you a $50.00 ticket to cash out, you need to return that ticket the counter.  The smaller wins can just be torn and thrown away at the counter.
If you have any questions please ask.


Old Business/Committee Reports
Tom B.- Fund Raising Football 10/08 need 2 more volunteers
Tom B - Bingo -  Oct.6, need one more volunteer for tomorrow.
Ric E -  Club admin
Sarah - speakers
Will - Vision committee- working on Club Survey for members before the Club Forum in Nov.
Will - car stickers, Hats - Hat samples are on the way.  If you would like a sticker, let Will know.
Roadside cleanup - John/Ric/Bill 19 Oct 0730 - Route 4 Truck Stop
Alexx -  Marketing Internship - working with UNH.
Maybe look at Greatbay College, or SNHU?
Will - Working with DOT for Rotary club sign for Barrington, Pres. Meeting with Dist. Gov., working on having $100 available to clubs for town signage, 
Committees Chairs- Please let Will know when you are meeting and he will add meetings to the Web Calendar.
Attendance, Will is going to create a list of members and mentors.  Phil will like mentors/partners to reach out to missing members.
FireSide Chat (for new members)- John Belcher's House, 7 Sandy Brook Dr, Durham, NH.  October 13, 530pm-630pm.  All members welcome.  Snacks and drinks will be provided.
Lee Historical Society - Build them a Ramp - Data Coming Soon 
Barrington Pavilion - BR is getting a site surveyed and read for construction.  They are interested in getting it put on a slab.  They have started fund raising.  Will is looking into Grants.
New Business
District Governor Claudia Frost’s visit,  Oct.19, 5:30 PM, Chimneys Inn
Celebration, Christmas/Change over?  Tom Boisvert, Past President, President 6 mo. 1 January, ‘23 - June 30, ’23.
Barrington Spooky Fest & Truck or Treat.  Oct 29, 4-9pm  We are invited to have a tent/table.  Will thinks it would be a good place to talk about the Pavillion and give out candy.  Maybe we could make some posters about the pavilion?
Upcoming Events
UNH Football Concessions
Oct 08, 2022
Route 4 - Road Side Clean up
Oct 19, 2022
8:00 AM – 11:00 PM
UNH Football Concessions
Oct 22, 2022
Durham Trick or Treat Event
Oct 23, 2022
2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
UNH Football Concessions
Nov 12, 2022
View entire list
Oct 12, 2022 7:30 AM
“Getting versus Giving”
Oct 19, 2022 5:30 PM
Presentation about Rotary/Forum
Nov 02, 2022 7:30 AM
Jeanne Richards - Classification Talk
Nov 16, 2022 5:30 PM
Club Vision
View entire list
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