Smokin Barrels - This Wednesdays Meeting 530PM
At SMOKIN BARRELS in Barrington, Route 125.
Lilac Sale
Sale went well. All about 7 Hydrengeas sold.
Summer Fest
Please continue to get sponsors and venders.
Corn hole - Sign ups
$1000 first prize
We will setup a table - Sell Bird houses, sell teams for Corn hole
Looking for a few more Food Trucks
Need Sign up list (Alexx is working on it)
Need a list of Groups that might sign up.
Phil bring ROTC
Need make a schedule plan? (Alexx and Tom working on it)
Yard Boxes for Newmarket - Arts Need 2 Boxes
May 23 530 building party
Dover Bingo should be back up later in July… In North Rochester at Lilac Mall
Newmarket Back Yard Bash - Mid August
Need 3 Volunteers
Sarah give out gifts
CornHole/Kids Games/Batchee
August 4, 5-9
Will to Order Rotary Tent - Bright Blue - Need it for Lilac Sales, Summer Fest, Bash, Etc.
Barrington Pavilion - Tom and Steve work up a new price quote.