Rotary Meeting 6/7/23
Dover Bingo - NEED Volunteers for June 15.
New Bingo Plans -
Bingo is moving the Lilac Mall in Rochester.
Dover would like us to run for on Thursday per month.
Sheila will be there to run it.
Maybe makes the monthly meeting Bingo
We will need 12 members to do it monthly
Our new Rotary Tent is in. We will have it at Summer Fest.
Great job everyone who went to Durham Day. We had a possible new member visit today, who found us at Durham Day.
Rotary Scholarships. Grant committee voted to give out 4 this year. 2 to Newmarket and 2 to Durham.
Isabella Giacomoni - Newmarket High School - Going to school for Marketing
Karina Jones - Newmarket High School - going to school for Nursing
Benjamin Kelley - ORHS - Going to school for Engineering
Clio Grondahl - ORHS - Going to school for Math and Architecture
ChangeOver dinner will be June 28, 0530. Location TBA.
FFI Clean up - June 27 - FFI Project Clean up 0800
Little Art Libraries for Newmarket Pocket Parks - Phil, Bill, Will and Tom built 2 and delivered
We delivered Cruches and Wheelchairs June 6.
Sara Liles Mom passed away on Sunday, June 4
Lilac Sales - we did about $3000.00
Upcoming Events
UNH Farm Days (4th Grade) - June 6-8
Newmarket HS Awards Night - Jun 8, 1900
Summer Fest - UNH Boulder Field - June 17
FFI Project Clean up 0800, June 27
ChangeOver Meeting 0530, June 28
Summer Fest 2023
Start up 10am, Boulder Field, UNH, Durham
MiBox and Potties are coming on Friday
We will have a 8x16 Stage setup for Music
Alexx will be sending out a map and plan
Bird houses and Water to sell - Need signs
Radio Ads - Chuck is working on them.
FaceBook posting
Unh - Digital Signs
There is a sign up sheet with the Bingo, second Tab.
SIGN UP SHEET LINK - for Bingo/Summer Fest
REMINDERS - Please sign up for Bingo in 2023
Bingo Thursdays 5-8PM with Dover Rotary