Meeting May 20.  
Speaker Jon Millette and group discussion
Trying a new format.  Let's see how it goes.
Jon Millette, Manager SCU of Durham, also member of DBA and Celebrate Durham, discussed all of the above.  SCU has been donating masks first responders and funds to local food pantries.  They have been working hard with Celebrate Durham on PPP loans.  He is also on the board of Freedom Cafe, and they are working to start an outdoor cafe.  They did a Zoom Fund Raiser and raised $9000.00 last month.  He has made the Rotary a member of Both Celebrate and DBA, Non-paying...
Other discussions 
Boodey Rock was discussed.  Janet and John are going to gather more information about what is needed.  Madbury town has requested we move sign outside fence area.
We discussed district matching funds for food pantries, and we are going to donate more to the 3 Lee/Stratham/Newmarket.
Grants Committee will be meeting to discuss Scholarships and return to club with recommendations.
We are going to do a work day at Durham Swap Shop on Thursday May 28.  0800 - 1200.  Building shelves.